Insite…a gravesite for innocent victims!

I’m disappointed that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of keeping Insite. Whilst I read the arguments put forward by the proponents of this service, I remain unconvinced of its effectiveness in dealing with the drug addiction problem, that is so rampant in Vancouver. In place of such service, a more comprehensive public education program, stronger deterrence to the abuse of drugs and better drug rehabilitation programs should be administered to get the addicts integrated to society once again. Stop encouraging drug abuse and make Insite the gravesite of so many addicts who can be helped otherwise.

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1 Response to Insite…a gravesite for innocent victims!

  1. Ola! Ehcanada,
    Thanks you for your post, I’m a 22 year old college student who’s been stuck between a crowded dorm room and my parent’s lumpy couch for the last couple of years.
    Good Job!

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